Handling tricky situations as a mystery shopper
Maintaining your cover can be one of the most challenging parts of being a mystery shopper. Here are some tips for managing and avoiding some difficult circumstances.
Maintaining your cover can be one of the most challenging parts of being a mystery shopper. Here are some tips for managing and avoiding some difficult circumstances.
Secret shopping jobs at the airport help businesses in the travel and hospitality industry stay competitive. This article discusses the opportunities and challenges.
Supermarket layout has a dramatic effect on a grocery store’s bottom line. Mystery shoppers can help you balance customer experience with other factors in designing your store’s layout.
Using a mystery shopping service before and during the holidays, to review store performance and planned promotions, will set you up for a successful shopping season.
Mystery shoppers are a valuable resource for small independent retailers. This article describes the benefits of using secret shoppers, from testing promotions to reviewing customer service.