Handling tricky situations as a mystery shopper
Maintaining your cover can be one of the most challenging parts of being a mystery shopper. Here are some tips for managing and avoiding some difficult circumstances.
Maintaining your cover can be one of the most challenging parts of being a mystery shopper. Here are some tips for managing and avoiding some difficult circumstances.
Mystery shopping at a fine restaurant is one of the more advanced assignments because of the time and experience it requires. This article helps you determine whether it’s right for you.
Restaurants frequently use mystery shoppers to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of their food, service or facilities. Here are some tips for effectively mystery shopping at sit-down and fast food restaurants.
Restaurants that offer delivery, as well as specialized food delivery operations, use mystery shoppers to improve the quality of their service. This article includes tips for secret shopping food delivery services.
Restaurant owners can learn a lot about their business and how they can improve the customer experience by using mystery shoppers. Form simple tactical adjustments to game changing suggestions, secret shoppers can inspire ideas that make a real difference to a hospitality businesses.