Reverence For Our PlanetBold Initiatives Supporting The Environment
All businesses, large and small, across all types of industries, from manufacturing and logistics to ecommerce and professional services have a carbon footprint.
In every case, energy is consumed and greenhouse gases are emitted.
BestMark has passionately and proudly embraced our responsibility as a planetary steward in taking intentional action regarding energy conservation and environmental sustainability.

We are mindfully measuring and tracking our organization’s energy consumption and waste in order to continually and iteratively reduce where we can, while also elevating the conversation internally and educating all of our associates on the role they have and meaningful impacts we can achieve together.
Progressive efforts we have initiated on our path to making a lasting difference:
Our Path to Positive Impact

Baseline Greenhouse Gas Audit
A comprehensive baseline audit of our organization’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions is complete, establishing a baseline year between September 2021 and August 2022.
With our current hybrid/remote model, we incorporated energy usage at our headquarters and involved our staff in collecting data on home-office space allocations and energy use.

2023 | Carbon Neutrality
BestMark has committed to further enhancing our impact on sustainability and environmental initiatives through offsetting our annual energy consumption.
Ongoing, we will be applying the learning from annual audits in order to identify means of reducing energy consumption, and importantly, offsetting what we cannot avoid.
In 2023 we purchased carbon credits equivalent to our firm’s energy use – both office and all remote, home-based employees across North America.

2024 | Carbon Negative
Commencing January 1, 2024, BestMark is committed to participating in Carbon offsets greater than our total consumption as an organization – inclusive of office energy use and all remote/virtual employees’ energy use related to home office space.

Local Community Impact
In 2023 BestMark established a company-wide Petal Power initiative, planting wildflowers on the land around the perimeter of our offices and underwriting the cost of planting over five acres of sunflowers across two farms in the Midwest. We are excited to see these projects “bloom” and expand their reach (and impact) in the coming years.
As with our GHG Audit, we are also getting our employees involved. We are purchasing wildflower seeds for our staff who are planting them at home – from Michigan to Miami and Minneapolis to Maui! All flowers being native to their respective regions.
A Global Force for Good
BestMark has partnered with One Tree Planted to restore forests, create habitats for biodiversity, and make a positive social impact around the world. Since 2014, the global nonprofit has more than doubled the number of trees planted each year, currently working with partners across 80+ countries in North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Pacific. To date, more than 100 million trees have been planted.
Looking for a Partner who values the Planet and its People?
See how BestMark can help you enhance the customer experience — and do good at the same time.